Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Aug 30th

Welcome to SS and FBC (they joined today!)
Jason and Heather St. Clair
I realize you guys visited last Sunday, but /I was out :o)! And if I have missed other visitors - Sorry! Welcome and so GLAD to joined us!!!
*Don't forget to get together with your supper club sometime this month.
*MEN'S RETREAT: If you are interested please let Caleb, Kyle or Taylor know by Sept. 13th so they can get a count and see who needs to bring what. It will be Oct 2-3
*WOMEN: Tamara and I were thinking about the ladies of the class getting together on Friday, Oct 2nd (since of men will be gone). So, the night open. We have some ideas and will talk about it in SS!
* We will be moving into a bigger classroom! Mike King is to let us know where (he said old impact building, but we don't have a room #). Keep checking blog for when and where! We are VERY thankful that the Lord continues to add amazing young couples to our class!
Hope everyone has a blessed week!
I know I usually put the "Prayer Request" on the right, but I wanted to ask, again, for prayers for Camden. She is like our niece. Her mother, Dana, and have been best friends since we were 12 yrs old and we think of each other as sisters. Dana grow up at FBCO. Her mother passed away from a brain tumor in 2001 which Dana was her full time caregiver until her death. She is fully aware of the possibilities that could be ahead. I cannot tell you how my heart is burden about this "spot" seen on her x-ray of her foot. She will go to the doctor tomorrow. I know whatever the outcome it will be for the glory of the Lord and His will will be done. I ask specifically for peace for Dana and Clay, and that the Lord will put good Christian doctors in their path. I am praying that all my "worrying" is for nothing! Thank you for letting me add my personal desires.
NEXT (Sept 6th) refreshments: the Meadows

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday, Aug. 16th

There is a lot to get involved at the church! So, pick one and go for it!
Children's Choir
Wonderfully Made Ministries
College Ministry

Welcome our visitors Bart and Hayley McDaniel
Wendy Atkinson and Mark Dunn

Beginning August 30th their are several new Bible Studies. Please see FBC website to get information.

Adult 38 Bible Study is Monday nights for husbands and wives @ Barry and Laura Willis' house. There is fellowship, dessert, and then the men and women break up to do the Bible studies. Please let us know if you need additional information.

Refreshment sign up:
Aug. 23th: the Karns
Aug. 30th: the McCoys
Sept. 6th: the Meadows
Sept. 13th: the Whitsides
Sept. 20th: the Leikvolds
Sept. 27th: the Winklers
Oct 4th: the Pinckards
Oct. 11th: the Andersons
Oct. 18th: the Layfields
I will TRY to send reminders to everyone.

Don't forget to send me your info for the SS directory. The questions are on Aug 9th post. Thanks!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

It's BACK!

After many months of no blogging I've decided to pick it back up. Sorry for the "bucket" had gotten really full. So, here we go...

SS class DIRECTORY: guess what...I some how deleted our directory. Have no clue how, but I can't find it anywhere on our computer! But so many have moved and we have been blessed with new members it was time for an update. Can you PLEASE email me the following:

Wedding Date
Her Cell
His cell
Home #
His occupation
Her occuption


SS class Men's weekend will be in October (date and time TBA). So, be thinking about it and getting ready for some male bounding!

Adult Choir New Members! If you want to SING please join us for the fall kick-off August 19th. Taylor, Tamara, and myself are in the choir so if you would like to meet up with and go just let us know!

Orchestra: starts Aug 26th 6:30-7:30 NO auditions required!

Monday night at 7pm Bible Study at Barry and Laura's house. Please feel free to come!!!

Workers are NEEDED in MANY areas in the church. If you feel led to help please contact the church. It is a great way to get involved!

Don't forget to get with your Supper Clubs. If you are new and want to join please contact Renee Winkler!

If any of you guys should need us at anytime please feel free to contact us! I will email out the Teel's and our info again.

Have blessed week!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 22nd

FBC will be taking pictures for a new Directory!
You can make an appointment for your family picture online!!! Go to:

Click on "Schedule New Appt" it will take you to a page that you have to fill out info on you (email, name, address, etc). On the left hand side will be a box that will require you to type in the church phone # 334-745-5715

Then you will go to a page with a calendar. Go to April, click on the highlighted date you want and the times available will come up. It is as easy as that!!! So, SIGN UP!!!

April 3rd - First Fridays at FBC Beth Chapman will be speaking

New Bible study begins this Monday (March30th) night at Barry and Laura's house. Everyone welcome!

Renee has the Supper clubs done and emailed out. She is planning a cookout to get this kicked off on April 4th. Be checking your email for info on that. If you aren't in a group yet, but want to be just let us know!! And if you haven't gotten any emails about the supper club just email me and I'll pass it onto Renee!

Don't forget to sign up for the Woman's Retreat April 17-19th!!! Info is on the blog and blog address is below...

Hope everyone has a great week! Steph

Monday, March 9, 2009

March 8th

Sorry so behind guys!!! So here goes....

March 8th: Still need a contact person for My Jerusalem on April 4th
Taylor will be out of town and Kyle has 2 Varsity Baseball games. If ANYONE would
be willing to step up for this please let us know!

Bowling is going to be rescheduled for Sunday March 22nd. Please RSVP to Tamara so we know if we have enough. When we asked on Sunday that seemed to be a good day for everyone :o)!

Marriage Seminar Sat. March 21st 9am-3pm at FBC. Info on Church website

Don't forget to checkout the FBC website for upcoming events also!

Women's Retreat April 17th-19th has a blog for all the info (thanks Katie Mantooth - you ROCK!). Here it is...

Hope everyone has a blessed week! Thanks for everyone being so great with my first time teaching! Let me know if I need to add anything! Steph

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Snow day at FBC!!

I thought I would share a few photo (from the 300 or so Kyle and I took). It was a beautiful winter wonderland. I couldn't get the old song... "What can make me white as SNOW...nothing, but the blood of JESUS!" off my mind Sunday. Great turn out for SS guys!! Hope everyone had fun playing in the snow! Hope you like the pictures. I will post the announcements/prayer request by the end of the week. Enjoy...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 22, 2009


*First Fridays March 6th 11:45am Be sure to call the church office ASAP to sign up. Space is limited.

*My Jerusalem is April 4th. If anyone would like to "lead this up" please let us know. Taylor is traveling a great deal, and Kyle has 2 baseball games that day.

*"Hugs and Loves" is needing diapers sizes 3,4,5. If you would bring them to SS we will get the right person.

*College Minister is needing women to Disciple college women. If you are interested please contact Trace.

*March 1st SS social: Bowling!!! from 2-4pm. We need 10 people inorder to get the $7.50 price per person. Please email Tamara if you are planning on going so we can get a head count.

*Renee Winkler is heading up our supper clubs. If you are interested email myself, Tamara, or posted a note on the blog.

***On personal note: Thanks to everyone who prayed for Baby Maddox, her family, and me last week. Your prayers were felt. It was a difficult time, but it was a blessing to give them pictures of their sweet angel. Loni has wrote about Maddox and even posted some pictures on her blog. On our blog ( under "blog list" you will see "Praise you in this storm - Baby Maddox" click on there. Please keep them in your prayers as they con't to grieve. Thanks!